Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

The Alford's have a very busy next couple of weeks coming up. This coming weekend Mr. A is going on a duck hunting trip with the boys which gives me the perfect excuse to go visit my good friend Brooke who lives in Evansville. The picture below is of Brooke and I at our couples shower last October. We plan on going to dinner, watching movies, and spending time with her 6 months old little girl Ellison which I can't wait to see! It will also give me a great distraction from the dangerous things my husband will be doing, walking around in frozen ponds, etc, etc.

The next weekend just happens to be the weekend of our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY, on January 31st! I can not believe it has already been a year of marriage. It has flown by! People always say the first year is the hardest. If that is the case we are in good shape because I feel as if we have had a very smoothe year. Especially considering we remodeled a house in the midst of everything else. I love my husband so much and could not imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else! We do not really have any special plans for our anniversary other than to just spend the whole weekend side by side! It is hard to belive that a year ago I was getting married in a week. This coming weekend a year ago would have been the weekend of my bachelorette party! I could not have had a better time with these girls! It was definitely the best way to spend my last weekend as a single lady!! You will notice we were all wearing black, my sister hosted the little black dress party and then we all went to Nashville and had a blast!
The next weekend, we are planning a ski trip. Nothing big and really a spur of the moment trip but it will be a little anniversary present to ourselves plus we get to be away for the weekend and have some fun! We have been wanting to go skiing for a long time and just never made the plans so this has been a long time coming and we can't wait!
Well that is an update on the Alford's for the moment. I will post some photos of my trip to Evansville this weekend and Brookes sweet little baby girl!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Ok so the Alford's are sick! We have been passing our germs back and forth and are now both enjoying the company of sore throats, runny noses, and sneezing for days!! I am on the end of my sickness I hope and Mr. A is just in the middle but eventhough we are sick, I do have some exciting news for us!

So I havnt said much about it obviously because I have not been blogging much lately but our 1 year anniversary is coming up. We were married on January 31st which is 2 weeks away. We were unsure of what we were going to do for our anniversary and have recently decided to go on a skiing trip! We have talked about going for a long time and just never have so it will be a great way to celebrate our 1st year of marriage! I can not believe how fast time goes by. This time last year I was stressing over wedding replies and how many mouths we needed to prepare for. This year we are enjoying each others company, living in the house that we worked our tails off to remodel and talking about children! What a difference a year makes!! Hopefully these nasty colds will get out of our systems in time!!