I am really breaking a record here. No post in over a year and now two in one day! I just really want to document Tucker's birth before I forget some of the details.
So I was actually due on November 29th. I was getting pretty miserable and also a little upset that this little dude was taking so long to get here! I had gone for my 39 week dr appointment and was only 1 cm dialated. I had an appointment on December 1st, which was the next wednesday, for an ultrasound to check Tuckers size and then we were going to go from there as far as induction or scheduled c-section. I had talked to my Dr. on more than one occassion about being leary of a C-Section but due to my height (which is 5'2) that we worried if baby was too big to come out the natural way. (Which in my opinion there is nothing NATURAL about it!).
Well I never made it to my appointment. On Tuesday night or should I say Wednesday morning as 12:45 I woke up to go to the bathroom and realized that my water had broken. So hubby and I got dressed and drove to the hospital thinking that we were going to see our little man soon. Well he had other plans! We knew that after your water breaks they typically like you to deliver within 24 hours due to risk of infection. Well our little man already likes to push the limits because he was forced out after around 22 hours! We should have stopped at Waffle House for breakfast instead of rushing to the hospital!
So we get checked into Labor and Delivery and debate about calling our family since it is in the middle of the night. I did end up calling my sister and then called our parents at about 4 since the Dr on call had decided to start me on pitocin since I was still only 1cm dialated when we got to the hospital.
I have already forgotten a lot of the timing of the whole day but after they started my pitocin my sister suggested I go ahead and get some pain medicine because there was no way to tell how fast I would start feeling contractions. Here I was thinking I had a little tolerance for pain! I was starting to have horrible back labor so the nurse brought she some fenegran and some pain medicine in my IV. Well it went into effect immediately and I automatically felt like I had drank 17 alcoholic beverages in 10 minutes! I told Andy that I felt drunk, I could barely talk and of course he laughed at me! That medicine also made me very sleepy so I was in and out of sleep.
Then after a little while the anastesiologist came in and gave me my epidural which was so much easier than I expected! The nurse made me sit indian style on the bed which how I was able to 10 months pregnant I dont know but I did it somehow! She held my shoulders to keep me still and he gave me the epidural.
After this another nurse came in to give me a catheder and I kept telling them all, I can feel everything. I can move my legs, is that right? The nurse kept saying well we will call the anastesioligt back in and see what he says. Well in the mean time I could feel EVERY contraction and let me tell you it was AWFUL! I was miserable and in so much pain. The contractions were about 2 minutes apart so I would fall asleep between them due to the pain medicine, and then wake up during the contraction and want to CRY! My sweet hubby and sister were massaging my lower back during the contractions. Finally the Anst. came in and said let me put in more meds, everyone is different. Well that didnt work either. Then a little while later he came back in and it still wasnt working so he said lets just redo it. Well when I raised up my whole pillow behind my back was wet so all of the meds were going to my pillow and not into my spine! Thankfully the second one worked like a dream and all of the pain was gone in a jiffy! I was feeling much better! The rest of the day was just a lot of waiting and eating ice chips. I was back and forth between trying to rest and having visitors. My progress of dialating was very slow. I think by maybe 5 pm I was finally to 6cm. The goal is 10cm for those who dont know!
At about 7pm I started pushing and pushed for a long hour and a half. They could see his head but everytime I stopped pushing he would go back up. By 8:30 my Dr said she thought we needed to go ahead and do a c-section, that he just was not coming out. That by 9 I could be getting prepped. Well after she left I started crying. Andy could not calm me down. It was a mixture of feeling defeated, being scared to have a c-section and being in extreme pain. The nurse had to give me another catheder since they had taken the first one out for me to push. Well they had also turned down my epidural during pushing so I was feeling everything and the worse pain of the whole day was that nurse putting the new catheder in. Not to be too graphic but I was extremely raw from pushing and in major pain when she put that in. Finally after my dr, parents, sister, husband all did their share of consoling and after watching an episode of the Nanny, I finally calmed down. Then what started out as going to be prepped for surgery at 9 turned into 10:15 being prepped because an emergency c-section came in right before me.
I then went into the the operating room seeing bright lights and 25 DR's all around me. There were 3 new anestesiologists behind me and Andy came in to hold my hand which was shaking due to the medicine. Tucker was born in a jiffy and the c-sec was nothing like I thought it would be. It was no big deal at all! The worst part was that Andy got to take him out for everyone to see and I just got a glance in before going into recovery.
Well I never knew this at the time but apparently Tucker wasnt breathing like he should have been and they had to run tons of blood tests on him and make sure everything was ok. I didnt get to see him until 3am!!
I finally made it into a room (which was I think a closet they pushed a bed into!) and signed my life away without even knowing what I was signing. All night nurses were in and out and so was my baby nursing but we finally made it through it! Now we have this sweet sweet little man and I wouldnt have it any other way. Now I barely remember it but it was all worth it either way!