Monday, June 22, 2009

What Happened to the Weekend?

Is it just me or do the weekends seem non-existant??? Although we did have a very productive weekend of getting all of our things put up (except for Mr. A's office and that is his responsibility, hence why is it still a mess haha ) I feel like I had the excitement of it being friday and then the dread of it being monday morning in one swift movement. Saturday and Sunday seemed to have been misplaced! Although we did have a great father's day and I hope all of the dad's had a great day!

Last week was VERY busy with work, traveling back and forth every day 2 hours away was exhausting. The travel schedule is not looking much better although the next two weeks of travel will be great! I am leaving on tuesday afternoon to go to Green Bay, Wisconsin with a trip I won with work. It should be pretty fun. Then the following week of July 4th, we are going to Savannah, GA and Tibbey Island for vacation which I am so excited about! Lord knows we definitely need it after all of the work on our house, we are definitely due a beach trip! Other than the traveling, not much else going on, there isnt the time for anything else! Once I get a chance I will post the pictures of the house with all of our decore in them as well as our trip to the beach!

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