So in honor of my husband, I thought I would answer a few questions about him:
My Husband!
1. What's his name? Andy
2. How long have you been married? 9 months
3. How long did you date? We dated 4 and a half years before our wedding day
4. How old is he?24, he is 6 months older than me
5. Who eats more? DEFINITELY HIM. Hands down. We constantly joke he has a tape worm.
6. Who said, "I love you," first? He did
7. Who is taller? He definitely is.
8. Who sings better? haha well I love you babe but I will have to go with me here. Not that I am the greatest, but he knows his singing voice is not the reason I married him! haha
9. Who is smarter? Well it depends on what the topic is I guess. He is very smart and full of useless information about anything you want.
10. Whose temper is worse? I will say mine. He has a temper but it takes a lot to make him mad. My temper comes out a lot more often I must say.
11. Who does the laundry? Well we usually share that chore, but only because he is so picky about his clothes. I hate putting up laundry so he helps with that.
12. Who does the dishes? Mainly our dishwasher. That was the first thing on the list when we remodeled our house, to install a dishwasher!
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does
14. Who pays the bills? Most of the bills I pay. I mean we have a joint account so it's our money paying the bills, but I actually physically mail the payments.
15. Who mows the lawn? That is definitely Andy's job.
16. Who cooks dinner? Usually I do. He doesnt mind to cook and if we grill which we do alot, he grills the food.
17. Who drives when you are together? Most of the time I drive but only because he drives me crazy when he drives since his eyes are glued more on the side of the road than the actual road. He is always looking at everything but the road so for my own sanity, I drive most of the time.
18. Who is more stubborn? I will go ahead and say myself. =)
19. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I would have to say probably Andy. Remember I said I was the most stubborn? He is really good about compromising and I try to be.
20. Whose parents do you see the most? Well we live really close to Andy's grandparents and Aunt and Uncle so I would say we see them the most. Although I work with my mom everyday and we see my family a lot as well because we are always doing something together so that might be a tie.
21. Who has more friends? Well I dont know. I think that Andy has more friends that he talks to on a regular basis than I do. You know, about hunting and such. =)
22. Who has more siblings? I do although I only have one. Andy is an only child.
23. Who wears the pants in the family? haha Well I think we try to compromise on a lot of things so I would like to think it would be eqaul but I think most people would think I do. Andy is just very laid back and I am a little more demanding at times but we do compromise a lot which I think you have to do.
Love you baby!
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