Monday, June 29, 2009

Vacation Here We Come!!

Well I feel like all I have been doing lately is traveling but this week it is actually for fun!! We are going to Tibbey Island near Savannah GA for 4th of July!!

In the past few weeks, I have been traveling a lot with work, last week I actually was fortunate enough to go on a trip with Humana to Greenbay, WI which was tons of fun actually. Although we had meetings we did get to spend an evening at the Greenbay Packers Football Stadium, Lambaeu Field. Now of course I am not a huge football fan but it was really neat just to see.
You can see some pictures that I took with my phone just walking through the tour. On top is the view from our bus just driving into the stadium. Next is a view of the tunnel that the packers run out of before every game. They even played the same fight song for us to walk out onto the field to that the packers listen to before every game.

Below are some pictures looking down on the field from the luxury suite and some from the endzone on the actual field.

We did learn some trivia about the Packers and some fun facts as well during our tour. One is that the stadium seats around 70,000 people and they only have 2,000 parking places!!

We returned from this trip on Thurday night. On friday, I went to visit my friends Brooke and Chris to meet thier new beautiful addition to the family, Ellison Lynn. She is so sweet and so TINY!! See the pic I got of her and her big sis Madison below:

As I said, we leave tomorrow for Tibbey Island and I am so excited!! Although I am tired of packing and unpacking my suitcase, we are desperately in need of some beach time after all of the work we have been doing on our house amoung other things. The whole family is going and it should be a great time, I will post some pictures when we return.
Everyone have a safe and happy 4th of July! See you when we get back!

Monday, June 22, 2009

What Happened to the Weekend?

Is it just me or do the weekends seem non-existant??? Although we did have a very productive weekend of getting all of our things put up (except for Mr. A's office and that is his responsibility, hence why is it still a mess haha ) I feel like I had the excitement of it being friday and then the dread of it being monday morning in one swift movement. Saturday and Sunday seemed to have been misplaced! Although we did have a great father's day and I hope all of the dad's had a great day!

Last week was VERY busy with work, traveling back and forth every day 2 hours away was exhausting. The travel schedule is not looking much better although the next two weeks of travel will be great! I am leaving on tuesday afternoon to go to Green Bay, Wisconsin with a trip I won with work. It should be pretty fun. Then the following week of July 4th, we are going to Savannah, GA and Tibbey Island for vacation which I am so excited about! Lord knows we definitely need it after all of the work on our house, we are definitely due a beach trip! Other than the traveling, not much else going on, there isnt the time for anything else! Once I get a chance I will post the pictures of the house with all of our decore in them as well as our trip to the beach!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Never Enough Time

So we have been living at the new house for exactly 1 week and I am still adjusting. I feel like I am always in the car, although part of the reason for that is that I had to travel a lot with work last week. I had to leave the house at 5am to get where I was going in time which was 2 hours away, not very fun. And I get to have that same trip 3 times this week. I would say that the biggest adjustment for me so far is not being able to just go to walmart (or wherever) that second. If I want to go to the store for anything it is an ordeal of getting ready and driving 20 minutes to get there, and 20 minutes back. It use to take me just 20 minutes to get there, get what I need, and be back home! If I get home from work and I dont have something I need, thats just too bad until the next day! Im not a big fan of that so far. Although I must admit that I do really like living in the country and being outside more and having the space. If you took out the bugs, weird animals, and the 20 minute drive to work and shopping, I would love it!! haha

As I said earlier, I had a lot of traveling with work last week so I didnt have much time to actually organize and get our things in order after our move. Other than having my hair dryer and straightener, everything else was pretty much in a box somewhere. Although we still had a packed weekend as usual with family get togethers, we were able to get a few things put up where I feel like I might actually know where something is. Once I get everything put up how I want it and organized I will post some more pictures of the FINISHED (finally) product! Hopefully a housewarming cookout will be in our near future!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Officially Living in the Country

Well it happened. We actually did move this weekend and it will be the LAST time for a long time. Just to re-cap, I have moved 8 times in the last 6 years! The whole process just wears me out. First you have to pack up everything you own (including all the junk you hide somewhere because you dont want to look at it but you dont want to throw it away either), then you have to transport it to the new place. Thank goodness for SUV's and that everyone in my family drives one because it made it a lot easier to haul everything the 20 miles out of town that we now live. After two trips we had the majority of everything out there. I thought we had a lot of stuff but you actually realize how much stuff you really do have when you have to pack it up and move it. I walked into the house after our last load was brought in and you could barely walk through. Everything was everywhere!! Then back to the process, you have to go back to the old house and clean everything up, then you can go back to the new house and organize everything you own and place it in its future home. This is what takes so long!! Especially since I have accumulated so much more stuff since the last time I moved due to getting all of our wedding gifts! I have no idea where I am going to put it all!

Needless to say after all of that, we are actually in the new house. Mr. A sprained his ankle during the move and at the moment we are not sure where anything is but it's all in there somewhere, we hope!

Here is a sneak peak into our semi-finished bathroom:

As for my new life in the country, so far it hasn't been that bad but of course it has only been 2 days. Although last night I was going to walk out the back door and screamed because there was a racoon sitting on top of our trash can right at the back door and digging through the trash. He just stood on his back legs upright looking at me like I was the idiot. What have I gotten myself into???

Friday, June 5, 2009


Well it looks as if we are actually going to get moved into the house by the end of the weekend! ! Mr. Alford and my dad (due to the yucky rainy weather-not good for them but great for the house!) worked all day yesterday on our trim which is the last finishing touch before we can move in. They got a lot done, see the pictures below of the finished guest bedroom:

They did a good job didnt they! Today Mr. Alford is working on finishing up the trim in the bathroom and then there will only be a few more places of trim left before it will be completely finished! The plumber came yesterday and finished up all of the plumbing so that is done, all that will be left now is the new back door which wont be in until next week but I think we can handle living there with the old back door for a few days!!

See the new kitchen sink and faucet! Well the sink is actually the old one that was already in the house but it was stainless steel and in perfectly good shape so we just bought a new faucet which looks great. Now all thats left in the kitchen is putting the stove in (which of course is a necessity) and putting the molding over the cabinets.

We are going to have a VERY busy weekend of finishing up some details and packing and MOVING. Hopefully the next time I write we will be completely moved!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Little Disappointed

Well if you read my post from yesterday you knew how excited I was that our new countertops were going in. Well last night when I got there, they were definitely in but I was a little unhappy with the results. See below:

The countertops themselves look great, but if you notice beside the window, he took the backsplash all the way up the side of the window...WHY would he do that?? It was painted drywall? According to Mr. Alford if we take that section down now it will make a mess because of all of the glue and everything that they put behind it so needless to stay, we are stuck with it. Just FYI, if you ever have counter tops with a backsplash installed be very clear where you want the backsplash to go! You would think it would be common sense but apparently not!

Other than that, I really like the new countertops, as suggested by my sister, just hang some curtains and no one will ever notice, plus it will be easier to clean I suppose. It is actually starting to look like a kitchen again though.

I was hoping to be able to move in this weekend but now I am thinking it will be the next as we still have a lot of trim left to do and a few plumbing things left. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel though!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Exciting Day...Countertops goin in!

Well, this is the day I have been waiting for a while. Today is the day that our new kitchen countertops are being installed. After getting my hopes up that it would have been done already I do know for sure that they are being installed as I type as my husband saw it was his own eyes! This is the last major thing that is being installed before we can move in and I am so excited! Other than of course the new patio being poured, and all of the landscaping desperately needed, this is the last big expense of this stage in our remodeling. I never thought I would see this day come and I am so excited it is finally here!

Here are a few pictures of where the kitchen began when we first started. We already of course gotten rid of that nice stove and range hood, of course the counter tops are gone and we have new floors:

And here is a picture of what it looks like pre-countertops today without appliances and we took out the cabinets over the bar:

According to Mr. Alford they look great so far, I will post the pictures when I can of what they look like with the countertops, I cant wait to see them!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Beginner's Luck

Well, since everyone else is "blogging" I thought I could try it too. I should have started this a long time ago as I would have definitely had a lot to talk about with planning our wedding and remodeling a house at the same time. It did lead to some crazy days and still does as our home remodeling project is almost done, for now anyways.

Andy and I were married on January 31, 2009 in Bowling Green. Below are a couple pictures from our wedding:

Check out part of our wedding video here:

Since then and even before the wedding, we have been remodeling this house. And word to the wise, when you remodel an older home (in our case, this house was built in the 1930's) nothing goes according to plans. We were originally just going to redo the bathroom, put down new floors and paint. When we got more into it things were going wrong and in worse shape than we thought so we just completely ripped everything out and started new. When I have more time I will post some pictures of the before and after so you can see the changes we have made.

Right now we are waiting on our new countertops and a few finishing touches in the bathroom and trim of the house before we can move in, hopefully will be this weekend or the next. Another adventure for me, not so much for andy, is that I have lived in the middle of the city (Bowling Green that is) my whole life. I will be moving to edmonson county, 20 minutes from town. It will definitely be an adjustment but I'm sure I will love it once I get accustomed to everything. My big problem right now is the BUGS!! I have always heard that bugs in the country are bigger but this is rediculous! I am not even a bug freak but our house is invaded since no one has been living there for a while. Andy laughs at me because I have been on a rampage with big spray and bug traps and anything I can buy to get rid of these things! These bugs are just going to have to face it and find a new home once we move in!

For now thats all I have. I will post some pictures of the house and keep updating you on our progress as it goes. I will try to be more interesting in the posts to come!