Wednesday, August 3, 2011

8 months

Yes, so clearly 7 months is missing here! I will just show you a 7 month picture and then move on!

Ok, so I am a super depressed Mommy right now. My sweet little tiny baby, is not a big 8 month old boy!! He is so fun and I can not imagine my life without him. Eventhough it is sad to see him growing so fast, I love seeing him learn new things.

He is wearing 9 month size clothes but he is SO LONG!! He is definitely going to be tall like his Daddy! He is still sleeping fantasticly. He goes to bed about 8-8:30 and sleeps until 7am on the dot! As far as what he eats, he eats breakfast (cereal mixed with fruit and a 4oz bottle), lunch (fruit and a veggie and a 4 oz bottle), a snack around 3pm of either yogurt or a baby snack with juice, and then dinner when we eat dinner (veggie and fruit and 4oz bottle). Then before bed he gets a 6-7 oz bottle and thats it for the day. He is on such a good schedule. He has tried a few table foods but we dont give him a whole lot off of our plates yet because I dont want him to get used to that. He has had cooked carrots, sqaush, mashed potatoes, and he loves bread!! It will definitely keep him entertained sucking on a piece of bread at a restaurant. (Especially Olive Garden bread!)

I would say he probably weighs around 20 lbs right now, my big little boy. And within the last couple of weeks (so during 7 months), he has finally mastered crawling. He is into EVERYTHING and hates to sit still. Anything he shouldn't have, of course he wants. And his favorite toy is an empty water bottle, go figure!!

He has just recently gotten to where he is SUPER attached to him mommy! If he can't see me or I walk out of the room, he will fuss. Im not quite sure what we will do about that but I think it is just a stage he is going through. He is not shy and will let anyone hold him and I know I say this so much but he is just the best baby!! We can take him anywhere and he is such a good traveler! We have always just toted him with us wherever we go and he is just use to it.

He is saying BaBa and Da-Da which thrills his daddy to death! He loves playing with Daddy for sure. He loves puppies and kids and gets so excited around both of them! He also loves being outside and riding in his stroller, he would ride for hours in a stroller and just taking everything in, which makes for a GREAT shopping buddy!!

I can not believe I will be planning a 1st birthday party before I know it. Until then, I will cherish every day with my 8 month old little guy!!

And by the way, trying to get an 8mo old to sit STILL for a picture is near impossible!! We have NO good 8 month picture, but oh well! I will look back and laugh thinking about me trying to take this picture and my sleepy little wild child not a happy camper! haha

And just to prove how terrible it was to sit still and smile:

Maybe we will try for a better 8 month picture tonight!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

6 months

So yeah I know, it has been a month since I have posted anything on here. Well, we are busy people! I just really want to keep up with the monthly post on Tucker so I can look back at it later so I at least have to do that!

Anyways, can you believe that my little money is already 6 months old???!! Well I for one can not! I know I am going to blink my eyes and it is going to be his first birthday party. I am depressed just thinking about it.

But none the less, eventhough I hate to see my little man growing so fast, it is also really fun to see how he changes daily and learns new things.

Isnt this the sweetest thing you have ever seen!!

We had our 6 month check up last week and unfortunately Daddy is so busy at work he could not go with us so it was the first Dr. appt that I had to take him by myself. I hate seeing him get his shots and this time was no exception. After that appointment, he had his first round of being sick also. It was so awful. I was up with him all night literally rocking him all night long. He had a combination of fever from the shots, a cold with a stuffy nose, and the beginnings of teething. We survived it though and after a day home with him he was doing much better.

He weighed 19lbs and was 27 inches long at his appointment. He is in the 70-75th percentile on everything. He got an A+ checkup and was given the ok by Dr. Chris to move up the the 2nd stage of baby foods. We are pretty excited about this because there are many more options on food in that stage other than carrots, sqaush, sweet potatoes, and green beans. More colors other than orange! YAY!! He has also been introduced to the little puffs and baby mum mums which he loves! We have tried a sippy cup a couple of times as Dr. Chris would like us to start weening him to the sippy cup in the next couple months and I dont know how well that will go as so far we have had no success with the sippy cup. We will keep trying though!

He is officially sitting on his own now although he will fall over sometimes but he is doing much better sitting on his own and I don't doubt he will be crawling by the time I post the next months post. He is rolling like crazy and really trying to move around.

He has been sleeping in his own crib for a couple of weeks now. It is just so much more comfortable for him. He goes to bed around 830-9 and sleeps actually until 7:30 or 8 in the morning. He is the best little sleeper I could have asked for.

He is now growing into his 9 mo size clothes. He talks a blue streak and is still the happiest little thing. He is really getting into playing with his toys and a very observant baby. He loves doing anything outside even if it is just sitting outside. We have been to many softball and baseball games already this summer and he will just sit in his stroller and watch the whole game.

He loves dogs and gets so excited when he see's any dog. He loves our little dog Roxy and dies over her sitting beside him. He will grab her and try to pet her (we will have to work on being gentle with her) but it is so sweet. I know they will be the best of friends!

I LOVE this face!!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

5 months

Is my baby really 5 months old already?!! Now it is really 5 and a half. I can't believe he is getting so big. I tell him everyday to stop growing but he just isnt listening!

Tucker is doing so good. He is such a happy sweet baby. He will smile at anyone and laughs out loud all of the time. He has learned how to roll over and we are working on sitting up on our own. I just cant even explain how much I love this little guy.

He is eating cereal/oatmeal with a bottle for breakfast and then baby food for lunch and dinner with a few snack bottles in between. He has outgrown his bassinet (tear*) and we just were not ready to move him to his crib yet in his own room. I debated it myself for a couple of days and when I talked to Andy about it, he said no I'm just not ready yet. haha He is a sweet daddy, he still worries every once in a while if Tucker is breathing in his sleep. So needless to say, he is now sleeping in his pack and play every night, still in our bedroom. He has always been a great sleeper but it just keeps getting better and better. He sleeps straight from about 8 at night (depending on what we are doing) until 7 am on the dot every morning. He LOVES sleeping on his belly and it is so sweet.

Tucker is really getting active playing with his toys and seeing his surroundings. We have been to a few of my nieces and cousins baseball and softball games already and he is so funny watching the players on the field.

Mothers day was this last Sunday and I could not have had a better first mothers day. Tucker and Daddy gave me a beautiful silver bracelet with swarkovski crystals in Tuckers birthstones and his name on it. It is the sweetest thing I have ever seen. I have only taken it off to sleep singe I got it! This picture doesnt really do it justice but I had to take a picture of it!

After church we went to lunch with both sides of the family (mine and Andy's) at my favorite place ever, the Bistro. It is a little privately owned italian restaurant downtown and sooo good!! After lunch we just spent the day hanging out together and running errands. I did some shopping and just had a fantastic day. Being a mommy is the best gift I have ever been given and I cherish every day!! I can not imagine my life without this sweet little guy!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

I actually had a long weekend because I took off work on Thursday and Friday to do some things around the house that I had been wanting to do for a long time and just never have the time (nor want to make time) to do them on the weekend!

Thursday I went through all of Tucker's clothes (which is way too many might I add) and took out everything that he can no longer wear. I filled up an entire bin of 0-3 month clothes. I know one bin doesnt sound like much but think how small those little clothes are and the bin is STUFFED to the max! After that job was marked off the list, I broke out the white paint and went to town! We remodeled an older house and by remodeled I mean completely gutted the inside and started over so everything inside our house for the most part is new. But some things were left unfinished (for me). A lot of doors were stock white but never painted white, some of the trim and outside doors had scuffs that drove me crazy so I spent the rest of the day painting like crazy. I am one of those people that if something needs a little face lift, just paint it! Fresh paint makes everything look better!

On Friday I went to town to run some errands while the cleaning lady was there and got a lot of little outdoor trinkets to make the landscaping look a little better. We did so much to the inside of our house but the outside has a lot of work to still be done! I pulled some weeds, and then helped my husband finish planting the strawberry patch. Then I went and picked up my sweet little guy early and we had some mommy and me time!

Friday night we had dinner with some childhood friends of mine, it ended up being 5 couples! We always have so much fun together although we do not get to spend as much time together as we would like with everyone having busy schedules. After dinner we went over to Katie and Daniel's house and the girls played hand and foot (the best card game ever) while the guys watched TV.

Saturday my college friend Brooke and her family were in town so we spent some time together with them that day along with another night out to dinner saturday night. It always fun to catch up with them!

Sunday we tried to relax and enjoy the beautiful weather! We ran some errands in town and visited a new store in town called Stockdales. It was the perfect shop for us. It had hunting/farming gear for the hubby plus a really nice home section for me to spend my time in. I got a star to hang outside that I have been looking for a really long time now. We had a great weekend and hopefully a great week is in store for us as well! I will leave you with a cute photo of my little guy after Saturday morning breakfast!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Our Schedule

After having a baby those of you who have had one know that your life is turned upside down! Nothing is the same as it once was. It is crazy how something so small can cause such a whirlwind. What helped me get over all of the craziness was getting on a schedule. And by getting on a schedule, I mean getting my new little babe on a schedule that worked for all of us.

Now some of you may not agree with this but this is just what we did and it worked for us. In my opinion, babies only know what they are taught to know. They know if they cry we will jump because that is what we teach them. After all of the family left, daddy was back to work, and it was just me and Tucker, I decided it was time to take charge of the situation.

I have said before that Tucker has been pretty consistent at being fed every 4 hours since he was born, and that is true, but only because I made him be consistent on it. After your baby is born, it takes a little while to get to know each other. To know their cry and what it means. To know how they like to fall asleep, how they like to lay down, how they like to be held. I can not tell you how many times at night the first week or so that Tucker was home that he would be crying at night and we would change his diaper thinking that was the problem (waking him up in the process) and then wonder why he wouldnt go back to sleep and lay down. I had to make him know the difference between day and night.

So during the day, I would always have him sleep in a place that was pretty well lit either by the sun or whatever it may be. As far as eating, he would mostly go 4 hours without eating but sometimes it would be 2 hours. Now dont get me wrong, sometimes he would go through a growth spurt and he would NEED to eat more often but for the most part, I wanted to get it at least 3 and a half -4 hours between feedings. The reasons were I did not want him over eating because I didnt know why he was crying. I know a lot of people that just shove a bottle in a babies mouth because it makes them stop crying to soothe them when really they might have just been tired or had a wet diaper.

So by me spending the time to figure out what those cries meant, he now has eaten every 4 hours. Sometimes longer, sometimes a little less than that but it helps me plan for my day. How many bottles he will need. What time he will eat and where we will be at that time of the day. He has slept SO GOOD because of this schedule. He usually will eat and then be awake for 1-2 hours (the awake time increases the older he gets) and then it will be time for a nap. Then when he wakes up after sleeping usually 2-3 hours, it is time to eat again. I tried a lot of things, like giving him a bath every single night but then in the winter that is not great for babies skin and lets be honest, how dirty do they get every day so now we bathe ever other day and sometimes if there isnt the time, it might be on the 3rd day before he gets a bath.

I think having the stability but not ALWAYS having to stick to it makes him flexible. He can fall asleep anywhere although he prefers being rocked because that is what we do at home, it is not the only way he will fall asleep.

I hope these details have helped someone, this is just what worked for us and it has worked GREAT!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

4 months Summary

On Friday was officially my little guys 4 month birthday and I can not say enough how fantastic he is! Andy and I were talking the other night about how good he is and laughing that our next child will have to be so hard because Tucker has been so easy (relatively as far as babies are concerned anyways!).

So here is what Tucker is doing these days....

(4 month picture was not so great-the lighting is horrible but you get the idea!)

You are such a sweet baby. You will smile at anyone and let anyone hold you. You are SO HAPPY all the time. The only time you ever cry or fuss is when you get TOO tired, or you are hungry.

You have recently started rocking. You have always been rocked to sleep so I guess now you figure you can just rock yourself! You will be sitting in someones lap and just start rocking yourself, it is so funny.

You are really getting to be a wiggle worm. You could easily jump out of someones arms. You are getting really close to rolling over.

You still sleep great (knock on wood). You sleep from about 8:30 to 6-6:30 every night, sometimes longer. You are still sleeping in your bassinet which is on top of your pack and play. We thought you might be getting to big for the bassinet so we tried just letting you sleep at night in the pack and play but you were moving around to much and had too much space and it didnt go to well so back in the bassinet you went!

After your 4 month appointment you got the OK to eat baby food! I had been giving you cereal for a couple of days before your appointment but now we have been trying other things. Dr. C said to try vegetables first so you wont get used to sweet fruits and not want any vegetables and also to stick with the same veggie for a couple of days straight to make sure you were not allergic. So far we have had carrots and sqaush. You are doing fantastic at Mrs. Leigh Annes at daycare and you are so good to just take anywhere we go. You have a great schedule but you are very flexible and sleep great in the car.

You are really starting to become more active with your toys than you were last month and I love getting you new stuff to play with. You also love watching Disney Sing Along DVD. The one you have is the Bare Nessesities and you have watched it just about every day. I try to switch them out with other movies but you just love that one so much you prefer it over others.

Stop growing so fast sweet boy!!

At your appointment, you weighed 15lb 3 oz and were 26 inches long! The 70% percentile for weight and the 90th percentile for length! Our little tall and skinny baby! He got those genes from his daddy for sure!